The Resolution Framework™

A progressive and legally compliant system for resolving concerns, complaints and conflicts at work.

Taking the grief out of grievance

The multi award-winning Resolution Framework™ was first implemented in 2013 by our parent company, The TCM Group, and has since been used by numerous leading organisations worldwide, such as the BBC, Virgin Atlantic, Next and KPMG, as well as smaller bodies such as the Wood Green Pets charity and local councils.

It offers a fully integrated and innovative approach for HR transformation; handling grievances, harassment, bullying, discipline, conduct and performance issues. Discover how the Resolution Framework™ works and how UKR can integrate it into your organisation.

Explainer: The Resolution Framework™

Watch a quick overview of the Resolution Framework™ and how it works to promote a positive workplace culture.

TCM’s Resolution Framework changed the whole concept and dynamic of managing conflicts and complaints within the workplace. Culturally, the change in language and emphasis have been so important. Fundamentally, we aren’t focusing on being aggrieved, we are focusing on resolution. We’ve seen that the vast majority of cases are settled either at triage or through a facilitated conversation. This allows everyone to focus on their job and increases morale and motivation; it’s good for the business and it’s good for the customer too.

Anthony Fitzpatrick, Head of Colleague Experience & Employment Policy at Aviva

The Resolution Framework™ Process Map

These are the various stages and features contained within the Resolution Framework™.

When we work with you, either on-demand or via our UK Resolution Support Plan, we’ll provide a full license for the use of the Resolution Framework™ and all of the associated templates, toolkits and documents.

We’ll also provide step-by-step guidance and aftercare support as you implement it within your organisation.

In further detail

  • The Resolution Framework™ is fully legally compliant and compliant with the Acas code of practice on discipline and grievance procedures (aka The Acas Code).
  • It uses a powerful resolution triage assessment using our innovative Resolution Index™. This index offers an objective, structured and consistent decision making process.
  • The Resolution Framework™ links to your core values and agreed behaviours. It provides a route map for managers and HR to address poor behaviours quickly and constructively.
  • You will have access to detailed audit trails in case of future litigation or court action.
  • Dialogue is given primacy and there is a significant emphasis on early resolution.
  • Case reviews and user feedback result in extensive learning and insights used for driving cultural and systems change.
  • Transformative justice replaces retributive justice. It’s a powerful blend of procedural justice, distributive justice and restorative justice.
  • The language is constructive and supportive; reminders replace warnings, hearings are replaced with resolution meetings, and resolution action plans replace performance improvement plans.
  • The entire process is procedurally robust and undergoes regular quality assurance systems and user feedback developed by The Resolution Centre.

Get in touch

If you have a question about any aspect of The Resolution Framework™ or UK Resolution, or just want to discuss your experience and needs, please do not hesitate to to get in touch.

You can also contact us via the UK Resolution Hotline at 0800 059 0595. Alternatively, please click here to send us an email directly.

We look forward to hearing from you!