Yvette Allan

Consultant Partner


About Yvette Allan

Yvette has worked as a Business Psychologist for 19 years. Rooted in a strong Occupational Psychology background, she specialises in Assessment–both for selection and development purposes–and Leadership and Talent Development.

Her highly developed interpersonal skills and capacity for building long term relationships based on trust enable her to support her clients in maximising their potential and leveraging their talents. Her clients value her ability to adopt a thorough, yet pragmatic approach to acquiring and developing their top talent.

Yvette often works with clients for whom English is not a first language. She has consulted extensively with a wide range of clients, spanning both private and public sector organisations including: The Ministry of Defence, the United Nations, Atos, VW Group, AG Foods, Ecole Nationale Aviation Civile, Toulouse Business School and the Manchester School of Management.